Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to a New Year!!

Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! We've already been busy at work over the past 2 weeks.

In Science, we experimented with different scientific tools.
We compared temperatures between hot and cold water using thermometers.

We used measuring cups to compare capacity.

We measured the length of different objects using rulers.

And we used hand lenses to observe items up close.

In math, we've been working on counting and number sense.  In this game, we roll the dice and color the matching number square.

We used playing cards to compare numbers and decide which one was greater.
We made patterns with snap cubes.

We had a special visitor come and read us his favorite story.  Mr. Wallace was the principal when Mrs. Glass was in school.

Last Friday, we went on a letter hunt.  We split into 3 groups and had to find the alphabet, which was hidden all over our room.  When we found all the letters, we had to put them in ABC order.

We can't wait for all the new learning we'll be doing this year!!